

Documents Scope Titles Total Volumes
Books All areas 8127+ 40573+
Print Periodicals International Journals 7+
National Journals 25+
Magazines 7
Theses PhD Theses 33
Bound Volumes (Journals) 565 (law)
Newspapers All areas 7
CDs and DVDs All areas 245
Major E-resources All areas DELNET Around 20 Lakh Full-Text eBooks in PDF.
- eBooks in Multiple Languages.
- 50+ Academic Collection, e-journals, e-newspaper & magazines, databases
NDLI 99+ Million Contents in 400+ Languages
JSTOR More than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary sources in 75 disciplines.
IEEE (CSDL) Online access to 33 magazines and transactions and more than 850,000 in-depth, peer-reviewed articles and papers related to cybersecurity, big data, cloud computing, agile, artificial intelligence, smart systems, mobile, wearables, and other leading-edge technology areas.
Legal Databases AIR Online, Supreme Court Cases, Manupatra Online.


Department Title National/International
Pharmaceutical Technology 20 13+7 (International)
Biotechnology 3 National
Law 11 National
Central Library 1 National
Nursing 7 4+3 (International)
Computer Science 3 2+1 (International)
Basic Science 4 National
Management 4 National
Air Database for Law 1 4 users at a time

Print Resources


BWU Central Library has a large collection of books to cater to all the disciplines and programs that are offered in the University. The whole book collection of the can be sub-divided as Text Books, Reference Books, Reserve Books, General Books and Dictionaries.

Text Books: These are the books for reading that are recommended or are made available as per the curriculum.

Reference Books: These are the books that are for research, projects, suggested reading for faculty as well as students. The number of copies of these books is not very high as they are not used regularly and some of them are expensive. They also include dictionaries and career guidance books.

Other documents like handbooks, reports, dissertations and rare category books of which single copy are present with BWU central library.

General Books: These are books that are generally not for curriculum-oriented reading. They are general motivational books, biographies, story books, fictional books or non-fictional books that are available in English as well as Hindi languages.

Rare & Valuable books

The BWU Central Library has also initiated to develop a collection of rare & valuable books and other materials. The library has already made a collection of more than 100 rare book & non book materials and the collection is still growing. Any interested user may visit the collection with special permission from librarian.


Periodicals keep BWU library users up to date with the latest happenings in their areas of interest. The periodicals consist of Journals (both National & International) and Magazines.

Magazines: These periodicals are containing latest information on day-to-day happenings in all areas of learning. Some of these are of subject oriented magazines and some are of general reading purpose.

  • Sarirosastho
  • Susastho
  • Yojana
  • Kurukshetra
  • Science Reporter
  • Biology today
  • Harvard Business Review


The Newspapers subscribed in the Library are:

  • Times of India
  • Employment News
  • The Telegraph
  • The Hindu
  • Anandabazar Patrika
  • Ei Somoy
  • The Statesman


  • SCC Online
  • Manupatra
  • AIR Database