
An overview of the Outreach Activities done by the University staff and students are as provided below.


Brainware University is a proud participant in the momentous journey of developing the country through the shared vision of inclusive growth and development through MHRD’s flagship programme, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA). As a first step to the process, it was important to identify and select the particular villages that needed to be developed by the university.

Adoption of villages around the locality and their surveys


With the help from the local administrative bodies like the Panchayat Bodies and the district administration, five villages were identified and adopted by Brainware University. The adopted villages are namely Faldi, ChakBarbaria(CT), Panshila, Chaturia, Dubgaria. After their adoption, the BWU staff and students have conducted baseline surveys (both at village level and household level) of these villages and has been conducting various developmental activities.

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Livelihood Generation through "Hybrid Mushroom Cultivation Technology"

Aiming to develop the economic status of three adopted villages under Brainware University, a project on ‘Hybrid mushroom cultivation technology’ was proposed and has been successfully implemented. This project aimed to train the villagers on adopting a cultivation of Hybrid Mushroom strain called pfle hybrid because of its anti-carcinogenic properties and its bio efficiency of more than 100%. Five families each from three adopted villages (i.e. total 15 families) participated in the training program which they completed successfully and are now continuing with the mushroom cultivation. The mushrooms are being sold at the local vegetable market at Rs.250.00 per kg. The overall plan has been executed as per the VDP designed and it has been a huge success.

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Technology Extension through "Rainwater Harvesting Technology"


With the increase in population and along with it the increase in pollution, global warming, water scarcity all over the world, the availability of potable drinking water is becoming a cause of concern for humanity. Hence, the need has arisen to tap or hold water wherever available especially in the form of rainwater as it is the purest form of water that requires minimal treatment before drinking. With this context in the background, UBA 2.0 project on “Rainwater Harvesting Technology” was initiated in 2019 by BWU to spread the technology among the adopted village and to make them aware about the need to save water. Under this initiative, two rainwater harvesting tanks have been established, one at the university campus (of 5000 liter capacity) and another at Faldi High School (of 10000 liter capacity). Here,the purification/treatment of rainwater occurs in three filtration layers viz., first - Gravel layer, second - Sand layer and third - Charcoal layer. Finally the water is collected in the main storage tank where one RO filter is installed as a final treatment step. The water has been tested as per the WHO standards including pH, hardness, metal content, E.coli, TDS, and has been found suitable for drinking.

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Legal Advice through "Free Legal Aid Clinic"


In accordance with Section 4(k) of the Legal Services Authorities Act which mandated the establishment of legal clinics in educational institutions, Brainware University launched its free legal aid camp on 11th January 2020 to support the marginalised and needy.

The camp was inaugurated by various luminaries from the legal field including Dr. Nirmal Kanti Chakraborty, the Honourable Vice-Chancellor of National University of Juridical Sciences, Mr Biswajit Mukherjee, the Joint Registrar of Kolkata High Court, Ms Reshmi Riya Sinha, the renowned advocate in the Supreme Court and many others.

The faculty and students in association with the Legal Services Authorities, 24 Parganas (North), organize frequent mobile camps about legal literacy in rural and socio-economically backward areas, schools and local community centers to inform the citizens about their fundamental rights and provide advice regarding marital abuse or legal disputes of various kinds. Additionally, it has organised various drives aiming to sensitize people about the existing laws prohibiting sexual abuse, child trafficking, and child labour. While traditionally legal aid tackled only the poorest and most marginalized, our policy has been to provide legal aid to all sections of society and educate them about their rights and responsibilities as citizens.


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Health Check-up: Eye Screening Program

The Department of Allied Health Sciences had conducted the eye screening program in Faldi High School as part of their social responsibility on 5th February 2020. More than 200 students were screened and given eye care advice as well referrals to the hospitals for further examination for those who needed it. Dr. Somnath Ghosh and the students of the program of Optometry took the part to conduct the screening program. This was a small effort for the village children which could help in eradicating the avoidable blindness in the long term. The department will continue to do such activities in near future to help the society.

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Awareness Campaigns

"Swachhta Hi Seva" campaign – Awareness on Women Hygiene

As a part of the “Swachhta Hi Seva” campaign under Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 2.0, the faculty of Brainware University visited the Kotra Gram Panchayat office, North 24 Parganas on 19th July, 2019, to conduct an awareness program on women hygiene. Women hygiene and various diseases caused due to unhygienic conditions due to lack of awareness among women has always been a cause of concern in the villages. Many women are known to suffer from life-long diseases or from life-taking diseases due to lack of concern or education. Keeping this in mind, BWU faculty took it upon themselves to spread the awareness regarding the importance of maintaining hygiene and personal cleanliness especially among women to avoid developing life-altering diseases and other complications. Active participation and overwhelming response were received from women of all ages were observed.

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"Swachhta Hi Seva" campaign – Awareness on Prevention of Diseases during Rainy Season

While rain after a hot and humid day can be a desirable thing; the fact cannot be denied that rain could bring in some rainy season diseases. During monsoons our immune system is weakened, this results in many water-borne diseases. With this thought, BWU faculty visitied Faldi High School on 18th July, 2019 and Muktarpur High School on 22nd July, 2019, and addressed the students on the importance of maintaining personal hygiene as well as cleanliness of the surrounding especially during the rainy seasons to avoid various diseases like cold & flu, malaria, dengue, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis etc.

Eyecare Awareness on World Sight day

World Sight Day (WSD) is an annual day of awareness to focus global attention towards the blindness and vision impairment. The theme of WSD for 2019 is Vision First.

The students of Bachelor of Optometry, Department of Allied Health Science, Brainware University celebrated the World Sight Day 2019 with an Eye Care Awareness Campaign in nearby two villages - Palpakuria and Ramkrishnapur. During this campaign the students visited more than 100 families in both the villages to create awareness about the importance of eye care.


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Sharing Happiness

Joy of Giving on 109th Birth Anniversary of Mother Teresa

Brainware University faculty and students commemorated Mother Teresa on her 109th Birth Anniversary on 26.08.2019 by experiencing the Joy of Giving to the underprivileged children in nearby village schools viz. Panshila F.P. school & Panshila Junior High School.

For this, the students of BWU organized a 4-day fundraising drive from 20.08.19 to 23.08.19 and the accumulated amount was used in buying copies, stationaries, fruits and chocolates for the school children.

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Sharing Knowledge Through Fun-filled Activities

Winter Camp 2020

Students and administrative staff members of Brainware University held hands of the tiny tots of Kazipara Primary School, Barasat who visited the university campus along with their headmistress and teachers during a Winter Camp organized by the University on 28th January, 2020.

On this occasion, the little ones of Kazipara Primary School, Barasat participated in a drawing competition and gave expression to their creativity. The atmosphere of the university enlivened due the presence of these tiny tots. They also participated in a quiz competition and it was heartening to see them perform so well.

The University took this opportunity to make this visit a fun-filled as well as a learning experience for the Children of Kazipara Primary School by showing them films on the pressing, contemporary issues like: Save water, Save Earth, Discouraging the use of plastic, and the need and importance of tree plantation. This was done in order to inculcate and cultivate an awareness among them from early childhood about the burning problems of this world. As the University believes that young minds are the future of this world, and they need to be encouraged and channelized in the right direction for the betterment of the society.


Initiatives taken by Brainware University (BWU) during the COVID-19 Pandemic

A. Awareness campaign among villagers about COVID-19


Keeping in view of the spread of Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19), Brainware University decided to spread awareness among villagers about the various necessary safety precautions and explain why social distancing is necessary to beat the spread of the virus in local languages through the use of digital media like, WhatsApp group and also through distribution of printed material.

B. Production of Hand Sanitizers and Distribution to the locality


When the number of positive cases started increasing and the governments decided to go for nationwide lockdown to prevent the community spreading of the virus, this led to the unavailability of basic materials like sanitizers, PPE kits etc. required as a basic precautionary measure. In this critical situation, when there was scarcity of hand sanitizers in the market, the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology of Brainware University, Barasat had taken the initiative to prepare hand sanitizer to protect its staff and the neighborhood. This Department had prepared 100 liters hand sanitizers for its own staff members and 100 liters hand sanitizers for the neighborhood and distributed at free of cost to every nearby household.

C. Supply of Essential Food Grains to the needy in the surrounding villages


The COVID-19 lockdown along with the cyclone Amphan had wrecked a havoc in the livelihoods of many families especially in the semi-urban and rural areas. BWU is located in a semi-urban area where in the neighbouring villages, people have been suffering due to loss of livelihood or low-income generation. As a support to these people, BWU took the initiative to distribute food grains to the neighbouring areas.

D. Awareness through Digital Medium to Maintain Social Distancing

A video suggestion was arranged by Brainware University of Dr Saurav Nag MD and sent to villagers through WhatsApp to aware them about Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19)


E. A message of hope (especially for the youths) from Swami Shastrajnananda (Principal Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandir College, Belur) - A brighter tomorrow

Brainware University in collaboration with Unnat Bharat Abhiyan and Ramakrishna Mission shared some much-needed words of advice for the youth to motivate them. Swami Shastrajananda assured that as long as people stay hopeful and strictly maintain the government safety protocols the virus shall soon be brought under control. Instead of fretting about the future and the outside world, he urged young people to turn inwards and reflect on their goals and priorities. The quarantine time can then be productively utilized to learn some new skills. Finally prayer and love keeps the world sane so we should always honour and remember the sacrifices of the frontline workers who are directly involved in the fight. Remember, tough times don’t last but tough people do!


F. Online Awareness Programme among the villages nearby.

In the time, when India is standing at the threshold of the third stage of COVID-19, namely, the Community Transmission, Brainware University, a strong advocate of social welfare, organized an Online Awareness Programme among the villages nearby. The University arranged video suggestions of Dr Premangshu Das, MD Medicine, Medical College & Hospital on safety measures and corona prevention tips and sent it to villagers through Whats App to aware them about Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) and the importance of Social Distancing. Dr. Das emphasised that since the virus spreads from person to person, reducing the ways people come in close contact with each other is essential. Apparently, the only way to save the world from this pandemic is to avoid crowded, public places where close contact with others is likely.


G. Spreading awareness against Amphan cyclone in regional language through WhatsApp among villagers

Super Cyclonic Storm Amphan was a powerful and deadly tropical cyclone that caused widespread damage in Eastern India, West Bengal to be specific. Prior to the strike of Amphan in West Bengal, Brainware University spread the awareness about Amphan cyclone in regional language through WhatsApp among villagers so that they become aware and take necessary precautions.


Other activities

A. Translation of the ‘Kisan Rath App’ in local language so that it can be easily understood and used by the local farmers

After translating, Brainware University spread this document to the adopted villagers through the WhatsApp group formed with adopted villagers.

More Unnat Bharat Abhiyan activities are being planned for the development of adopted villages.Please refer to our Success Stories in the UBA page through this link:

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Webinar on “National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 Sensitization

Speaker: Dr. Sanghamitra Kundu(Professor & Director, IQAC, Brainware University)




Speaker-Dr. Pradip Banerjee, Additional District Judge, Murshidabad



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